
All You Need To Know About Nicolette Davis And Her Connection With Tom Reed

Nicolette Davis and Tom Reed

Currently, Nicolette Davis is in the US Army as a commissioned officer. Also, this former lobbyist accused the Republican representative of sexual misconduct. In 2017, Congressman Tom Reed sexually harassed her in an Irish pub. From how this came into the light and Tom’s reaction, everything is right here for you to know.

What happened with Nicolette Davis and Tom Reed?

In an article published by the Post, Nicolette Davis told about her experience with Tom. At the time of the incident, she was 25 years of age. Yes, she was working in Aflac, an insurance company, as a lobbyist. Of course, this harassment happened in Minneapolis at an Irish pub in 2017. He was 45 years of age when he did this to Nicolette. Well, according to her, he started to rub her back slowly and to unhook her bra straps. On the other hand, she started to text her colleague and friend at the insurance company to help her out.

Luckily, the person who was next to Nicolette saw all of this and removed Reed from her. In fact, he was taken outside the pub itself as a safety measure.

Tom Reed’s response to Nicolette’s accusation

After that article came out, Tom Reed apologized to her. Yes, the 49-year-old congressman gave his apology for this incident. Furthermore, he told the media that he will not be participating in the re-election in the upcoming year. Also, he added that such an event happened when he was struggling in life. Then, he admitted that he was under the influence of alcohol which he doesn’t have good control over it. Finally, he apologized to his family and to Nicolette for such bad behaviour.

In short, he accepted the accusation and took full responsibility for it without causing any fuss over it. Yes, he promised in the eyes of the public to change for the better for his family and supporters.

Tom Reed’s view on Andrew Cuomo’s sexual misconduct claims

As you know, Tom Reed was planning to go for the post of Governor of New York in the upcoming year. And, one of the things that Tom found to be bad about the current governor is his sexual harassment issues. Yes, Andrew Cuomo has a lot of accusations against him from several different women. That’s right, he was mainly accused of sexual misconduct and harassment which he keep denying it. Furthermore, Andrew is unwilling to step down from his position amidst such accusations.

To date, about 8 women have brought this improper behaviour of Andrew to light. Of course, an investigation is going on independently to find the truth about such allegations. On the other hand, Tom who condemned the act of Andrew chose not to go for the governor’s post. After all, he also bears the same charges against him, for which he accepted and chose to change for the better.

Public’s reaction to such an incident

Obviously, you can say that such an incident was a surprise to many. Of course, Tom Reed took the initiative to amend his ways and chose not to run for the governor post because of this incident. Due to this, the overall response of the public has not become too negative

Well, that’s all there is about Nicolette Davis. Yes, stay tuned for future updates!

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