
The Transfer Portal: Revolutionizing College Athletics Recruitment

Transfer Portal

The world of college athletics recruitment is changing, and it’s all thanks to the transfer portal. This online database, created by the NCAA in 2018, has revolutionized the way college coaches and athletes connect and has opened up new opportunities for athletes looking to transfer to a different school.

In this article, we’ll explore the transfer portal and how it’s changing the game for college athletics recruitment.

What is the NCAA Transfer Portal?

The transfer portal is an online database that allows college athletes to enter their name and contact information, along with their current school and sport, to indicate their interest in transferring to a different school. This information is then made available to all NCAA coaches, who can reach out to the athlete and begin the recruitment process.

How Does it Work?

Transfer portal

by Theo Eilertsen Photography (

The transfer portal is a simple and efficient way for athletes to explore their options for transferring to a different school. Here’s how it works:

  1. An athlete decides they want to transfer to a different school.
  2. They enter their information into the transfer portal, including their name, contact information, current school, and sport.
  3. This information is then made available to all NCAA coaches.
  4. Coaches can reach out to the athlete and begin the recruitment process.

The transfer portal is open to all NCAA athletes, regardless of their division or sport. It’s also free to use, making it accessible to all athletes looking to transfer.

Why is the Transfer Portal Important?

The transfer portal has had a significant impact on college athletics recruitment, and for good reason. Here are some of the key benefits of the transfer portal:

Increased Opportunities for Athletes

Before the transfer portal, athletes looking to transfer to a different school had to rely on their current coach to release them from their scholarship. This often led to athletes being blocked from transferring to certain schools, limiting their options and opportunities.

With the transfer portal, athletes have more control over their transfer process. They can enter their information and be contacted by coaches from any school, giving them a wider range of options and increasing their chances of finding the right fit.

Streamlined Recruitment Process

Softball transfer portal

by engin akyurt (

The transfer portal has also streamlined the recruitment process for coaches. Instead of having to reach out to multiple coaches and wait for responses, coaches can now access a database of interested athletes and reach out to them directly.

This saves coaches time and resources, allowing them to focus on building relationships with potential transfers and making the best decisions for their team.

Transparency and Fairness

The transfer portal has also brought more transparency and fairness to the transfer process. Before, coaches could block athletes from transferring to certain schools, leading to accusations of unfair treatment and favoritism.

Now, with the transfer portal, all coaches have access to the same pool of athletes, creating a level playing field for all involved.

Success Stories from the Transfer Portal

The transfer portal has already seen some success stories in its short time since its creation. Here are a few examples of athletes who have found success through the transfer portal:

Jackson State University

In 2019, Jackson State University’s softball team was struggling to fill their roster for the upcoming season. They turned to the transfer portal and found two key players who helped lead the team to their first conference championship in over a decade.

The transfer portal allowed Jackson State to quickly and efficiently find the players they needed to improve their team, showcasing the power of this new tool in college athletics recruitment.

University of Oklahoma

Jackson State transfer portal

by Todd Morris (

The University of Oklahoma’s women’s basketball team also found success through the transfer portal. In 2019, they added two transfers to their roster, both of whom played key roles in the team’s run to the Final Four.

These players were able to find a new home and make an impact on their new team thanks to the transfer portal, highlighting the opportunities it provides for athletes looking to transfer.

The Future of the Transfer Portal

The transfer portal is still in its early stages, but it’s already making a big impact on college athletics recruitment. As more coaches and athletes become familiar with the portal and its capabilities, we can expect to see even more success stories and changes in the recruitment process.

Potential Improvements

While the transfer portal has been a game-changer for many, there are still some potential improvements that could be made to make the process even better. Some suggestions include:

  • Adding more detailed information about athletes, such as stats and academic information, to the portal to give coaches a better understanding of potential transfers.
  • Allowing athletes to specify their desired transfer destination, rather than just indicating their interest in transferring.
  • Creating a separate portal for graduate transfers, who have different eligibility requirements and needs than traditional transfers.

How to Use the Transfer Portal

If you’re an athlete looking to transfer, here are some tips for using the transfer portal effectively:

Keep Your Information Up to Date

University of Oklahoma transfer portal

by Chandler Cruttenden (

Make sure to keep your information in the transfer portal up to date. This includes your contact information, current school, and sport. Coaches are constantly searching the portal for potential transfers, so you want to make sure they have the most accurate and current information about you.

Be Proactive

Don’t wait for coaches to reach out to you. Take the initiative and reach out to coaches at schools you’re interested in transferring to. This shows your interest and can help you stand out among other potential transfers.

Be Patient

The transfer process can take time, so be patient. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t hear back from coaches right away. Keep your information up to date and continue to reach out to coaches, and you’ll increase your chances of finding the right fit.

In Conclusion

The transfer portal has revolutionized college athletics recruitment, providing more opportunities for athletes and streamlining the process for coaches. As the portal continues to evolve and improve, we can expect to see even more success stories and changes in the world of college athletics. So if you’re an athlete looking to transfer, make sure to take advantage of this powerful tool and see where it can take you.