xHamster is one of the largest online stores of pornographic content. It is a social networking and Cryptic pornographic site. It has its headquarters in Limassol, Cyprus. In fact, its library of pornographic content is huge and varied. It offers various categories of content like erotic literature, pornographic videos, pornographic pictures and also has the features of social networking sites.
The site came into being back in 2007. However, within just 16 years of its existence, it has emerged as the fourth most popular website delivering pornographic content with over 10 million members. The only three websites in front of it are XNXX, XVideos and Pornhub. In addition, to this, it has also produced a reality TV series named The Sex Factor. Therefore, if you wish to know more about this platform, then this article is the perfect stop for you. Keep reading this article to know more about it in detail.
The Development Of The Website

We already know that xHamster.com came into being in the year 2007. It was the brainchild of Dmitri Gussew and Oleg Netepenko. However, initially, it was planned to be a social networking site. The developers wished to develop it as a platform, where users can share erotic pictures, and amateur videos and can also chat. Moreover, the platform also wished to provide a platform for people to find their partners.
However, slowly it developed into one of the most prominent pornographic websites on the internet. In fact, in 2015 it became the third most popular porn website behind XVIdeos and PronHub. At present, it has emerged as the fourth most popular website delivering pornographic content with over 10 million members. In fact, the numbers are on a sharp rise and the website is blooming in a great manner. Well, that is some great news for the developers. In fact, on this website, you can also find various categories of porn including the gay category.
Downloading Videos From xHamster
If you are looking for ways to download videos then here is the solution for you. The ultimate destination for download is the xHamster downloader. Follow the following steps to download videos:
- Open a web browser and visit the website of xHamster.
- Then on a separate tab open the xHamster downloader website.
- Now, select the desired video and play it.
- After that, you will have to play the video and the downloader will automatically detect the URL of that video.
- From the list of URLs select the correct one.
- Now click on the “Download” option.
- The video will get downloaded.
Concluding Lines
If you are looking for a great storehouse of pron content of various categories, then it will be a great place for you. However, access to this website is restricted in some nations. Be sure to check the restricted list before visiting the website.
1. What is xHamster?
It is one of the largest online stores of pornographic content. It is a social networking and Cryptic pornographic site.
2. What content can we find on xHamster?
It offers various categories of content like erotic literature, pornographic videos, pornographic pictures and also has the features of social networking sites.
3. How can we download videos from xHamster?
The best online option for downloading videos from xHamster is the xHamster downloader. To download videos, follow the steps mentioned in the article.
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